Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Adjusting Pictures With photoshop

This is Dukes Gynasium located on the campus of South Carolina State in Orangeburg S.C. This picture is raw and unedited and was taken mid afternoon in ate March. 
The second picture is the same as the original however it contains edits done with Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop. What i did with this picture was adjust the Black Point, Contrast, Highlights, and Shadows. Thus producing an image where the black points are bolder and the accents and overall look of the picture is a harder look rather than the soft colors and light accents in the first.

Lastly I added text to the picture to complete the transformation. Dukes Gymnasium was built in 1931 so I used a bold text font with a color tat would lend in but stick out as well and placed the text across the image.

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